"A Space Reserved for You Whether You Like it Or Not" - 21 Things Virtual Pilgrimage
*We had some technical difficulties with this recording. Please put on Closed Captioning to read what Rev. John is saying occasionally when the audio drops. Sorry for the inconvenience.*
Rev. John reflects on the "third thing" of the 21 Things - "Created Reserves"”
If this is your first step on the Pilgrimage, you are encouraged to watch the two introduction episodes found in the playlist. Take time to read the section in Bob Joseph's book, 21 Things You May Not Know About The Indian Act, that covers Thing 2... watch Rev. John's Reflection and then spend some time considering your own reactions to this situation found in the Indian Act.
Please purchase a copy of the book 21 Things You May Not Know About The Indian Act, where you buy books (hopefully from a local bookseller in your community).
To learn more about the training that Bob Joseph and his company, Indigenous Corporate Training, Inc. offers, check out their website: https://www.ictinc.ca/
We'd value your feedback. Comments are turned off to maintain a safe space. You are welcome to reach out to Rev. John directly at sapcguelph@gmail.com.
St Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Guelph, Ontario, Canada