Sunday, March 26, 2023 - Worship Service

10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Order of Service

We continue our live broadcast this morning and welcome in-person worshipers into the Sanctuary (with socially distanced seating). Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this morning’s service, both online and in person.

Join us on our St. Andrew’s Guelph YouTube Channel, select the live service, and remember to invite your friends and families. You can also join us via Zoom by following the link in your Friday or Sunday morning email. If you’d like to begin receiving our weekly emails, you can sign up here.


Words of Welcome

Prelude –  Little Prelude in a J.S. Bach

Call to Worship - Liturgy from PWS&D

L: Just as the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness,
P: the Spirit sends us into places of uncertainty where we confront our weakness and insecurities.
L: Here we are taught to pay attention to those calling out for care.
P: Jesus knew that God is revealed at unlikely times.
L: Like him, sometimes we arrive too late, when tragedy has already occurred:
P:  after the war has torn lives apart, after the earthquake has crumbled homes, after the drought has killed crops.
L: With Lazarus already in a tomb, Jesus cared for the grieving before turning his attention to his dead friend.
P: Let us pray for and support the medics as well as the injured, the aid workers as well as the homeless, The food providers as well as the hungry.
L: Tragedies may show us the worst of humanity, when greed and malice flourish.
P: Yet, we celebrate those who respond with love and compassion, bringing Christ to the places where death has brought devastation.

Responding to Drought in Somilia

“The weather is harsh; life is more difficult for the children, they are very thin and sick due to lack of food,”

In Somalia, the general humanitarian situation is worsening, with famine alerts being declared in some parts of the country—needs are extremely high.

Siman’s eight-month-old son, Farhan, is one of the many Somali children under five who has been admitted to hospital for treatment this year. Farhan was dehydrated due to vomiting and diarrhea. At hospital, he was admitted for severe malnutrition and started medication and rehydration treatment.

Farhan is now receiving the treatment he needs to recover, including therapeutic milk, antibiotics and anti-malarial drugs.

“He had been sick and weak, but after the treatment, he has improved; he can now play and run around. Thanks to all those involved for the invaluable support,” says Siman.

This life-saving project, which PWS&D supports through Canadian Foodgrains Bank, is helping treat severely malnourished children under the age of five, and lactating women.

This Lenten season, help ensure that children have access to critical food and medical care.

Hymn #208 In the cross of Christ I glory - Cross of Jesus

Opening Prayer & Assurance of Forgiveness

Hymn #451 Dear Father, Lord of humankind - Rest

(The Children are invited to go to their class with Julia)

Psalm (Sung) - Psalm 130 “Out of the Depths” C.Shalk
Scripture Reading
- Ezekiel 37:1-14 (CEB)

Sermon: Can These Bones Live?
A Time for Reflection

Hymn - Can These Bones Live?

Invitation to Offering

You can still mail cheques to St. Andrew’s Guelph, 161 Norfolk Street, Guelph, ON N1H 4J8, Or you can donate to St. Andrew’s through CanadaHelps.

Click Here to Donate to St. Andrew’s via Canada Helps here.

You are also invited to sign up for Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). Instead of using offering envelopes or giving online, you can set up a regular donation through your financial institution. To learn more, click here.

Presbyterians Sharing is how we support our denomination as a whole. Your gifts the variety of missions and ministries that The Presbyterian Church in Canada supports throughout Canada. It also ensures that we are well resources by our National Office staff.

If you are able, the MOCC would encourage you to consider donating to Presbyterians SharingYou can do so by clicking here. (Make sure that you indicate that you are from St. Andrew’s Guelph on the online form in order for it to count towards our commitment)

Or you can make a donation directly to Presbyterians Sharing through St. Andrew’s Guelph. Please mark your donation: Presbyterians Sharing.

We are making a difference TOGETHER.

If you’d like to make a donation to Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) you can do so by clicking here.

Offertory Prayer

Prayers of the People

Hymn #462 All my hope of God is founded - Michael


Postlude – Little Fugue in a J.S. Bach

We gather on the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg and the Haudenosaunee Peoples. We are also on lands that are part of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum. We live and work, worship, learn and meet on lands that are the traditional territory of many different Indigenous Peoples who were here before the establishment of European colonies.


Sunday, April 2, 2023 - Worship Service


Sunday, March 19, 2023 - Worship Service