Sunday, June 25, 2023 - Worship Service

Order of Service

We welcome all gathering for worship this morning or later in the week. Whether you attend in-person, worship on ZOOM or YouTube, or are a viewer on Rogers TV20 - please know that we consider everyone to be a part of our worship experience and an integral member of our St. Andrew's Guelph community.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this morning's service, both in-person and virtually. 

Join us on our St. Andrew's Guelph YouTube Channel, select the live service, and remember to invite your friends and families. You can also join us via ZOOM by following the link on your Thursday or Sunday morning email. If you'd like to begin receiving our weekly emails, you can sign up here.


Words of Welcome

Introit - “Let Thy holy presence” P. Tshesnokoff/W. Ehret

Call to Worship 

Hymn #407 “Praise, my soul, the King of heaven”

Opening Prayer & Assurance of Forgiveness

Hymn #350 “To God be the glory”

(The Children are invited to go to their class with Julia)

Psalm 150 (Choral)
Scripture Reading
- Matthew 10: 24 – 39 (CEB)

Sermon:  Don’t Be Afraid!

COMPLETION OF COVENANT - Statement of Purpose

When a minister comes into our church
we covenant with one another;
we promise to journey with one another
caring and being cared for.
While God’s covenant never ceases,
our covenants with one another do.
Today we mark the ending of the covenant
between Rev. John Borthwick and St. Andrew’s Guelph.


One:   When I came among you,
to serve with you in the ministry of Word and Sacraments
you gifted me with some symbols that I now return to you:

Bible (Place Bible on the pulpit)
One:   The Bible is a symbol of the ministry
of the Word among us.
May God’s Word continue to challenge,
nurture, and inspire us.

ALL:   We will continue to place scripture at the centre of our life.
The Word of God lives among us. Thanks be to God.


Water (Pour water into font; place pitcher nearby)

One:   The font is the symbol of our baptism,
the place of our birth into the body of Christ.
May you continue to welcome new members
through the living waters of our faith.
ALL:   We will continue to celebrate new life in baptism:
the font of blessing welcomes all. Thanks be to God.


Bread and Cup (Place bread and cup on communion table)

One:   The table is the symbol of our communion in Christ,
the source of nourishment and strength.
May you continue to welcome new members
through the living waters of our faith.
ALL:   We will continue to break the bread and share the cup.
The table invites us to taste and see that God is good.
Thanks be to God.

Towel and Basin

One:   The towel and basin are symbols
of our calling to justice and service,
following the example of Jesus,
who washed the feet of his friends.
May you continue in the way of Christ.

ALL:   We will continue to serve others and to work for justice,
following in the way of Jesus, Friend and Servant of all.
Thanks be to God.

I also have some gifts to offer you as you begin your process of discernment:


One:   During my time, I was the ‘one with the microphone’ often.
You have listened well to me over the years.
I invite you to be open to listening other voices
and to be ready to share your voice as the story of God unfolds in the years to come.
ALL:   We will continue to listen well
and amplify the voices of those who need to be heard.
Thanks be to God.

Hymn Book
One:   During my time I was fed by the gift of music in its various forms.
This hymn book captures our theology in song for a season,
may it continue to nurture your spirits
and may you open yourselves up to other expressions of the Gospel
as the Spirit inspires.
ALL:   We will continue to sing and cherish our hymns
and all expressions of the Gospel in sound and song.
Thanks be to God.

Photo Directory
One:   During my time I have come to love this community.
I have seen people come and go.
Hold this, the people of this community of faith, in love
that you may continue to care for one another.
ALL:   We will continue to care for one another,
bearing both our joys and sorrows together.
Thanks be to God.


One:   As you go forward into this time of discernment
may you seek to follow the way of Jesus
as you are being called to in this city of Guelph.
ALL:   We will continue to discern God’s call to service
in our community. Thanks be to God.


Duct Tape

One:   During our time together, there were challenging times
when we weren’t sure what was coming next.
Take this duct tape as a symbol of your ability
to stick together and get things done.
ALL:   We will continue to stick together to accomplish
the ministry of our community. Thanks be to God.



One:   I return these keys, the symbol of my leadership among you,
and I will pray for your discernment going forward.
ALL:   We will care for our building and the heritage it
represents as we discern our way forward.
Thanks be to God.

One:   We are all called by God to offer our unique gifts and work.
ALL:   But some are called to lead in particular ways.
One:   We are all called by God to speak our faith.
ALL:   But some are called to preach to the community
with prophetic words of compassion and justice.
One:   We are all called by God to comfort those who suffer.
ALL:   But some are called to share in the pain of the entire flock.

We give thanks for Rev. John, who has been
the shepherd in our midst.

One who has led us, taught us, challenged us,
and shared both our suffering and our joy.

One:   I give thanks for the prayers that surround me
as I complete my ministry among you,
and I ask you to forgive me for the mistakes I’ve made,
the dreams not realized, and the expectations not met.

ALL:   Yes, we forgive you and bless you.
We rejoice in the ways we have been blessed
by your ministry among us.
We ask your forgiveness for mistakes made
and for expectations not met.
One:   I receive your gratitude and forgive your shortcomings.

(Lighting a candle)

May this candle symbolize our mutual invitation to remember each other.
May we remember that God’s light always burns within us.
And may we remember to share that light with everyone we encounter.
ALL:   We will remember. AMEN.

Hymn #307 “God of the sparrow, God of the whale”

Invitation to Offering

St. Andrew’s Guelph, 161 Norfolk Street, Guelph, ON N1H 4J8

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Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR):
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Presbyterians Sharing is how we support our denomination as a whole. Your gifts the variety of missions and ministries that The Presbyterian Church in Canada supports throughout Canada. It also ensures that we are well resources by our National Office staff.

If you are able, the MOCC would encourage you to consider donating to Presbyterians SharingYou can do so by clicking here. (Make sure that you indicate that you are from St. Andrew’s Guelph on the online form in order for it to count towards our commitment)

Or you can make a donation directly to Presbyterians Sharing through St. Andrew’s Guelph. Please mark your donation: Presbyterians Sharing.

We are making a difference TOGETHER.

If you’d like to make a donation to Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) you can do so by clicking here.

Offertory - “Intermezzo” H.Willan
Doxology (choir only)
Offertory Prayer
Anthem -
“Great is Thy faithfulness” arr. F.E.W. Gingrich
(dedicated to Harvey & Erma Gingrich on the occasion of their 65th wedding anniversary – June 25, 2023)

Prayers of the People

Hymn #651 “Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer” 


One:   Go now, to follow the way of Christ.
As you have been a blessing to me, go be a blessing for others.

ALL:   As you have been a blessing to us,
so also may you be a blessing to others.

One:   May God, the Source of Love,
bless you in your ministry in this place.

ALL:   May God, the Father, bless you in your ministry
            at Knox College.

One:   May Jesus, the Love Incarnate, ever be with you and guide you.

ALL:   May God, the Son, be ever with you and guide you.

One:   May the Spirit, love’s presence and comfort,
fill you with every good thing.

ALL:   May God, the Spirit, be with you always. AMEN.

Choral Dismissal (choir only) “God be in my head”                      arr. F.E.W. Gingrich

Postlude – “Finale Jubilante”                                                      H. Willan

We gather on the traditional territory of the Wendat, the Anishnaabeg and the Haudenosaunee Peoples. We are also on lands that are part of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum. We live and work, worship, learn and meet on lands that are the traditional territory of many different Indigenous Peoples who were here before the establishment of European colonies.


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Sunday, June 18, 2023 - Worship Service