Sunday, October 30, 2022 - Worship Service
Words of Welcome & Territorial Acknowledgement
Prelude – Voluntary (Adagio) J. Stanley
Call to Worship
Hymn – #431 “Jesus, where’er they people meet” Warrington
Opening Prayer & Assurance of Forgiveness
Hymn – #319 “Wherever I may wonder” New England Folk Melody
Psalm 32: 1- 7 (Responsive)
Scripture: Ps 50:10-11, Matthew 6:25-30,
Sermon: For the Love of Creation – A Christian Perspective with Willard Metzger and The Rev. John Borthwick
Willard Metzger, BTh, BA, MTS, DMin, has been Executive Director of Citizens for Public Justice(CPJ)since 2019. He has decades of senior leadership experience in Mennonite Church Canada, Canadian Council of Churches, and World Vision Canada. He also served as a congregational clergyfor 18 years.As an author and public speaker Willard has addressed crowds across Canada and globally. His passion for justice and the faith community’s responsibility in seeking justice is evident.
Citizens for Public Justice (CPJ)is a national, progressive charitable organization of members who are inspired by faith to act for social and environmental justice in Canadian public policy. While CPJ has its roots in the Christian tradition, we partner regularly with other faith groups and non-faith-based groups, building solidarity across broader advocacy movements. CPJ’s work focuses on three key policy areas: poverty eradication in Canada, climate justice, and refugee and migrant rights.
Hymn – #717 “We cannot own the sunlit sky” Endless song
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Offertory – Violin Solo – Isaac Muth
Prayers of the People
Hymn – #472 “We are God’s people” Symphony
Postlude – Voluntary (Trumpet Tune) J. Stanley